Flamingo Tongue Flood
There have been localized Flamingo tongue “blooms” in spots all over the Caribbean – Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Mona Island, Puerto Rico to name a few. Are they making a comeback, or is this a sign of trouble?
Using a dive computer doesn’t have to be difficult– that is the new AERIS A300 is designed. The A300 is easy to use for [...]
There is a new Youth Program launched by Dive Rite. It gives children a kid-sized BCD that will grow as they grow. As the [...]
During the recent PADI Public Safety Diver workshop in Mermet Springs, Illinois, the participants have discovered and recovered a reported stolen vehicle. This has [...]
The latest comprehensive Instructor Trianer Course was Updated by the premier education and business support company which is the Scuba Schools International or SSI. [...]
There have been localized Flamingo tongue “blooms” in spots all over the Caribbean – Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Mona Island, Puerto Rico to name a few. Are they making a comeback, or is this a sign of trouble?
For those divers who spend most of our bottom time in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Southeast coast of the US, the word Lionfish might [...]
Whales, Dodging Those Deadly Harpoons! The title for this month’s conservation article was inspired by a line from a Jimmy Buffett tune, Treat Her [...]
I recently had the opportunity to meet an expert in underwater camouflage during part a month long educational seminar on Saba (see www.seaandlearn.org for [...]