It seems that there are some dive centers in serious crisis in Cyprus at the moment. One of them is I Dive Tec Rec, located in Protatas. It seems this low level dive center, has been forced to spam all the diving blogs on the net, trying to promote their diving courses. No one likes spam – except the spammers themselves, and it seems Andy Varoshiotis has decided to take spamming to a next level targeting the comment section in Wordpress Blog from around the net. When we contacted him about this issue, and about our intention of writing this article, not only he seemed happy, but he had no regret about his tactics.
Overall this may seem like a big issue, but it is obvious it is a clear example, how many dive centers managers are simply clueless about scuba marketing, internet manners and about the right way of doing things. So if you have a blog, don’t be surprise if you get an attack of I-Dive Cyprus, spamming you about their great, sad, scuba services. Mmm may be next time in Cyprus choose a different dive center. What do you think?
Dear Editor…
Sorry for the spamming.
My apologies