Sometimes we have to wonder… sometimes we want to WRITE REAL news, but it seems LIFE stop us and push us to one side: the sad of the crazy insane people… the insane scuba divers, that remind us, that scuba diving is just another part of life… and regardless of your diving certification, equipment or level of experience… it is easy to find CRAZY people… like this recreational diver who explored the seabed off Shag Harbour, N.S., where a UFO is alleged to have crashed in 1967, says what he saw last month can’t be explained. Mmm may be Narcosis ?
David Cvet and a diving buddy came across a couple of dish-shaped depressions, each about six metres in diameter. The ocean bottom anomalies were found 11 fathoms, or about 20 metres, below the surface, in the spot where witnesses say an alien craft swooshed low over the Shelburne County coast. (so this may be an Alien Dive site?)
“In the depression itself, it was as if somebody had come by the day before and swept it clean,” said Cvet on Friday during the Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society’s second annual festival and symposium.
He said the depression was lined with pebbles about four to six centimetres in size. The surrounding seabed had large rocks and pebbles and vegetation.
On Oct. 4, 1967, several witnesses described seeing something crash into the sea off Shag Harbour. In fact, people as far away as Yarmouth, N.S., reported seeing something streak across the night sky.
There were no reports of aircraft in trouble that evening, even though a patch of yellow foam about seven centimetres thick was seen on the water off Shag Harbour not long afterwards. The incident has been listed as a UFO crash. (ET? Alf? Alien? you take a pick!)
Cvet, who’s from Toronto but summers in Smith’s Cove, N.S., said he’s known about the Shag Harbour UFO incident for many years.
“I think (it) has enough compelling evidence to warrant further investigation,” he said.
On July 20, Cvet used a copy of a 1988 report from a bottom sonar sweep of the area that found four dish-shaped anomalies.
He and a friend worked out the co-ordinates and planned their dive.
“We left from Lower Woods Harbour and came down to this location and dropped a buoy overboard,” he said, tracing the boat’s 25-minute trip on a map with his finger.
The divers entered the water just before 2 p.m., about 10 minutes before low tide. It was a pleasant 24 degrees on the surface and about 16 degrees at the bottom.
“The water was pretty much like pea soup,” Cvet recalled – (so may be that’s why you think you saw an UFO Cvet!)
Nevertheless, they soon came upon the first of two depressions