Setting the stage for one of the largest dive events in history, Cozumel will be the host destination of the first Ultimate Diver Challenge – a competition that aims to test the skills of divers around the world in search of “The Ultimate Diver.” The Ultimate Diver Challenge event will be held August 16-27, 2007. Divers will not only have the opportunity to participate in a one-of-a-kind underwater adventure but will have the chance to compete for the title “Ultimate Diver” and thousands of dollars in prizes…
“Cozumel is an amazing dive destination and I have always been fond of the island. I want other divers to experience the beauty of the destination and encourage them to explore its fascinating underwater environment,” explains Pam Bertrand, founder and director of the Ultimate Diver Challenge.
“My love for scuba diving and of competition inspired the idea of The Ultimate Diver Challenge. I thought the competition would be a great way to provide divers everywhere with a fun opportunity to showcase their abilities in a sport we all love.”
The competition will include a total of 7 challenges over the course of 5 days, from August 19-23. Each challenge is designed to test and display participant’s diving skills in various knowledge areas, from the fundamentals of diving to more advanced tasks, and emphasize the extreme importance of protecting our reefs and upholding safe, recreational standards of Scuba Diving. Tests will cover skills in safety, gear assembly, water entries, buoyancy, navigation and search and rescue.
Teams will be coordinated through participating dive shops and clubs, each competing with a group of ten divers. You can join the Ultimate Diver Challenge as a single diver, buddy divers or bring your own team. Teams not completely formed will be linked together after the first day of challenges.
“We’re thrilled to be hosting this landmark event,” said Raul Marrufo, director of the Cozumel Tourism Promotion Board. “Participants in the Ultimate Diver Challenge will be able to take advantage of the broad range of dive options offered in Cozumel. With our famed reefs and nearly 40 different dive sites to choose from, the island makes an ideal setting for such an extensive underwater competition.”
The challenges will be designed by seasoned dive professionals Butch Hendrick and Andrea Zaferes of Team Life Guard Systems. Hendrick and Zaferes are both experts in instructing divers, developing rescue procedures and performing surface and subsurface water rescues and together bring more than 50 years of dive expertise to the event.
Competitors will be working together as teams in the earlier stages of the competition and the last two challenges will determine “The Ultimate Diver Team” and finally “The Ultimate Diver.” Elimination rounds will not take place until after the second day of challenges. The fun doesn’t stop at elimination though. If eliminated from the dive challenge, teams will have the opportunity to participate in the thrilling “Discover Cozumel Race,” a challenge that will allow teams to discover the many wonders of Cozumel by land and win a return trip to the island. The entire winning team will receive a 7-night Cozumel vacation with 5 days of diving.
Apart from the competition, divers will have plenty of time to enjoy the island and even take in some recreational diving. The event will be packed with other daily activities and entertainment including a welcome gala, silent auction, photo contest, awards ceremony, special appearances by famed divers and the Discover Cozumel Race. At the end of the competitions on August 24, a closing ceremony celebration will be held for all participants to enjoy. Divers will not want to miss the all day beach party where more than $13,000 in prizes will be given away including free trips, dive equipment and products.
Interested divers, both individuals and couples, must sign up for the Ultimate Diver Challenge through a participating dive shop or dive club. Participants need to be 21 years of age at the time of the event and meet the minimum requirements of Advanced Open Water certification. Required Documents include passport for travel to Cozumel, Mexico, dive certification cards, medical and event waivers, and proof of current dive insurance. Dive Assure and DAN have agreed that dive policies with their company will allow you to participate in the Ultimate Diver Challenge and have coverage.
Participants can opt to pay an entrance fee of $1725 which includes seven nights accommodations or an entry fee of $1,850 that includes nine nights accommodations at one of Cozumel’s participating all-inclusive resorts including the El Cozumeleno Beach Resort, Fiesta Americana Cozumel, Hotel Cozumel and Resort, Reef Club Cozumel Beach and Dive Resort, Melia Cozumel Golf and Beach Resort and Park Royal Cozumel. Daily meals, snacks, beverages and alcohol are included at each hotel. All entry fees are per diver and include 5 days of 2 tank dives, opportunity to compete in the Ultimate Diver Challenge, participation in the Discover Cozumel Race, silent auction and underwater photography contest and access to special entertainment and activities.
Divers wishing to join us in Cozumel simply as spectators and to cheer divers along, can enjoy a specially priced package at $863 per person for seven nights or $1025 per person for 9 nights. Package includes all-inclusive accommodations, entry to all Ultimate Diver Challenge festivities, option to participate in Discover Cozumel Race and five days of two-tank recreational diving.
Air travel is not included with the cost of entry or package offers and must be arranged by each participant on their own. Continental airlines offers special rates for Ultimate Diver Challenge participants. To receive special rate, travel must be booked directly with Continental airlines reservations department using the promotional Z-code “ZAUG” and the Agreement Code B9GNMG.
Reservations can also be made online at : Reservations by entering “ZAUGB9GNMG” in the Offer Code Box. Please call 1-816-765-SCUBA for more details about special air and further information about the Ultimate Diver Challenge. You can also visit the website at Ultimate Diver Challenge
The island of Cozumel named “The Land of the Swallows” by the Maya who inhabited it more than 2,000 years ago, is located in the state of Quintana Roo, east of the Yucatan Peninsula. Situated along the largest reef network in the Western Hemisphere and home to the famed Palancar Reef, discovered by Jacques Cousteau in 1962, Cozumel boasts a first-class international dive and snorkel reputation. Cozumel has also established itself as a prime golf, honeymoon and family vacation destination. The island is recognized as a top vacation destination, noted for its diversity, offering something for every traveler, and great vacation value
Cozumel is just a beautiful place and a great selection to do a scuba diving competition. The water there is so clear you can have a wonderful view of what’s going on underwater.